Emerging Technologies

The Department of Emerging Technologies (until 2024: Competence Center Emerging Technologies) deals with the identification, evaluation and design of new technological developments and socio-technical transformations. Our topics include digitalisation and AI, bioeconomy, industrial technologies, innovations in the healthcare system and technology assessment.

We analyse the changes resulting from the interplay between technologies, innovations and society. The focus here is on social challenges and the sustainable design of transformations. We research framework conditions and the governance of innovations and evaluate the effects of innovations.

An interdisciplinary approach plays a decisive role in our work. This includes involving all stakeholders and being well networked. We see ourselves as bridge builders between technology perspectives, markets, politics and society.

The results of our work lead to recommendations for the design and use of technology, the identification of design options, advice for stakeholders and support and evaluation of the agenda setting in innovation policy. We want to contribute the knowledge generated by our work to the respective scientific discourses.

We conduct our research in a socially responsible manner and thus contribute to solving global challenges.


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