Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI



Battery Update / 13.3.2025

Competitive market for battery materials: Market leaders, technologies and cost analysis

The market for lithium-ion battery materials is rapidly evolving worldwide. What the USA and the EU are doing to counter China’s dominance and why overcapacity does not necessarily ensure secure supply chains.

Press Release / 11.3.2025

How can Europe boost its domestic battery production and what policy actions are needed?

A new study by Fraunhofer ISI recently published in Nature Energy explores how domestic battery production in Europe can be expanded and how the European continent can become more independent from other parts of the world. The study derives policy recommendations from modelled scenarios how to strengthen the European battery industry.

Press Release / 27.2.2025

What is the current state of quantum technologies? What impetus is needed in the future?

In a study on quantum technologies titled “Quantum Technologies and Quantum Ecosystems” a team of authors from Fraunhofer ISI is investigating the potentials, research activities and innovation policy. To this end, the technology fields of quantum sensors, quantum communication and quantum computing were analyzed, an international comparison of innovation strategies was conducted and recommendations for political action in Germany were drawn up. 

Our Institute / 2.1.2025

Two departments at the new Leipzig location

As of today, Fraunhofer ISI has a new location in addition to its main site in Karlsruhe, the Joint Innovation Hub Heilbronn and its representative office in Berlin:

In Leipzig, the two departments of Regional Development and Innovation Policy and Knowledge and Technology Transfer have now been added to our research portfolio.

We are looking forward to working together.

Press Release / 19.12.2024

Artificial Intelligence in Production

What is the status of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in production in Germany? To what extent are applications with AI solutions already being used in production and in which specific areas? What developments can be expected by the end of this year? The latest study based on the German Manufacturing Survey by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI explores these and other questions. It concludes that AI has indeed arrived in Germany’s manufacturing sector, but that only moderate developments are expected in the foreseeable future.

Press Release / 12.12.2024

Digital revolution or evolution?

How has Industry 4.0 (I4.0) developed at production sites in Germany in recent years? Which companies were able to attain digital progress, and which companies need to catch up? The publication by Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI is now available and offers for industry, politics and the public an insight into the development of Industry 4.0 in Germany since 2015. The exclusive empirical evidence is based on the analyses of three waves of the survey German Manufacturing Survey conducted by Fraunhofer ISI. The evaluations show quite clearly: We can speak of an I4.0 evolution, but under no circumstances of a revoluti

Press Release / 6.12.2024

How will the international hydrogen economy develop in the future?

In the “HYPAT – H2 POTENTIAL ATLAS”, which was led by Fraunhofer ISI, nine research institutions have examined the future role green hydrogen can play in transforming industry, the transport sector and the energy industry in the direction of greater sustainability and climate neutrality. The project identified possible partner countries for Germany that have the potential to deliver a secure and sustainable supply of hydrogen, determined the global supply and demand for hydrogen and its synthesis products, and developed ideas for possible import, funding and cooperation strategies. The final report has now been published.

Press Release / 4.12.2024

Dieter Schwarz Foundation and Fraunhofer to Strengthen Heilbronn as a Research Hub

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will expand its activities in Heilbronn significantly with funding from the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. From 2025, a total of eight research and innovation centers will address research topics ranging from cybersecurity to quantum AI. This will provide an important impetus for innovation in Germany and strengthen the country’s competitiveness in these fields.

Press Release / 19.11.2024

Roadmap for sustainable agricultural trade

Food safety, sustainability and fairness are important, but not the only objectives which have to be attained in the agricultural and food systems. In the project MATS (Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable) Fraunhofer ISI has developed, together with European, African and South American partners, a model for sustainable agricultural trade in the year 2035 and a roadmap how to get there. The closing publication shows concrete measures, and a selection of examples gives further details.


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The scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI annually publish more than 200 publications including research reports, books, working papers and scientific articles which together cover the broad spectrum of ISI's research. Every month, the latest Fraunhofer ISI specialist publications will be updated in an institute-wide list.